Friday, 23 August 2013

lesson plan


Team name – Team Lasanthi

Team Members  – 1. P.D.M.Lasanthi Nirmalika
                               2. D.C. J. Samaraweera
                               3. E.A.S. Nevil Kumara

Module Name – Where are you now?

Version – 3.3

Grade – 8

Age – 13 years

Subject – Science

Lesson – Exploring the diversity of Roots

Unit – 6.1

No. of students – 30 students

Time - 80 mts

Objectives –    
            Upon successful completion of lesson student will be able to;
                        Exploring the diversity of roots
                        Identify the difference of each type of roots
                        Categorize the plants according to the types of roots
                        Explore the uses of different types of roots
                        Ability to use ICT skills for sharing ideas with friend
                        Ability to send images, information, Email by using internet facility
                        Understand the easiest ways of communication especially for their education

Learning outcomes –
            Pupils to be able to,
§  Experience the difference of the plants
§  Identify and describe the morphological structure and function of different types of roots by using search engine.
§  Identify value and diversity of plant to use it to increase beauty of environment protect threaten plant species and protect environment.
§  Develop attitudes towards the plants and emphasis the importance of its to the ecosystem.
§  Use computer and internet to their day today educational purposes
§  Familiarize the importance of Collecting and sharing information from other groups
§  Use ict skills to facilitate their day today activities
§  Internet facilities can be used in their professional life in the future..

   Resources -             10 computers with windows XP operating system and internet facilities –web                             browser (mozilla firefox)
                         Overhead projector                
Teacher’s Skills – Proper knowledge on Microsoft office operating system
                               Teacher technical ability and knowledge on communication methods
                               Proper instructing, motivating and coaching ability
                               Ability to guide on student centric method
                               Teacher’s pedagogical practice on diversity of plants
Student’s Skills
                              Ability to identify the parts of computer and to operate it.
 `                            Ability to follow given instructions.
                              Desire of working in a group and to share ideas with others.
                              Moderate level of ICT literacy

Split the students into 10 groups. To begin the lesson teacher shows a picture of different ethnic group and ask the differences and similarities of these children. Likewise the discussion is continuing about the diversity of plants. Acknowledge the diversity of plants and root system. Guide the student to explore and get information about different types of roots by using internet. Pupils use internet to exchange their explored information through email, twitter, facebook. . By using internet, teacher can keep the attention of pupils throughout the lesson. Pupils will use the internet for their higher education especially exercises on created blog. Pupils can be mortivated to improve multisensory understanding and usages of given blogs.

Teaching learning process
Step 1.  Students are asked to be in 10 groups, three in each group. Showing the picture (Attachment 1) of the ethnic group discuss the differences and similarities of these children. Get the ideas of children on value of diversity. - 5mts.
Step 2.   Tell the students to open the computer according to the instructions and identify the parts of the plant by opening the image of plant (Attachment 2) and explain the importance of roots – 5mts.
 Step 3 Ask students to select the Mozilla firefox browser and gives instructions to open it and search the different types of roots, And discuss their uses..5 mts.
Step 4 - At this stage teacher gives the address of the browser ( and topic to search examples of roots.  Each group is given topics to find information. Topics are storage roots, stilt roots, prop roots, climbing roots, Arial roots and respiratory roots. - 10mts.
Step 5.  Instructions are given to make email addresses by using Gmail on Google options
Pupils are guided to send and get information through their created own email. Explain the functions of email. After that email addresses are given to other groups to exchange information. Then pupils are asked to send and get information from others. - 10mts.

 Step 6.  Activity 1
§      Pupils are informed to write examples under each topic in their exercise book.- 10mts.

  Activity 2
§      Pupils are instructed to type on address bar to open the created blog as their 2nd exercise and get the answers for the questions in blog orally.-10mts

Going on the lesson teacher can observe the performance of each group and identify the gifted children and slow learners. Gifted children are motivated and slow learners are given instructions simply. Stars are given to better groups in each activity.  – 5 mts

Feed back
Review the lesson through questions and answers on plant root system. The teacher asks students to recall the lesson that helped them to gain this knowledge. Identified weaker students are given easy exercises to do their text boxes. Ask the views of the lesson for further modifications. Conclude the lesson by introducing the more educational sites on web browsers.   – 5 mts

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Grade 8 - root system



 Different types of roots in plants

  1. Storage roots

  2. Stilt roots

  3. Prop roots

  4. Climbing roots

  5. Aerial roots

  6. Respiratory roots

Storage Roots

Discuss the uses of storage roots with your friend

Stilt Roots

Give examples of stilt roots

Prop Roots

Discuss the importance of prop roots with your friend

Climbing Roots


Discuss the importance of climbing roots

Give the examples for climbing roots

Aerial Roots


Discuss the importance of Aerial roots

Respiratory Roots

Discuss the importance of Respiratory roots and give more examples